George M. Young, Ph.D.
Ph.D., Yale University
Before coming to UNE, George Young taught Russian language and literature from 1965 to 1978 at Grinnell and Dartmouth Colleges. He is the author of a collection of poems, a study of the life and work of the nineteenth century Russian religious philosopher Nikolai Fedorov, and a book on the early twentieth century American artist Charles H. Woodbury. He wrote the article on Fedorov for the Cambridge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, and many of his poems, translations, essays, and reviews have appeared in periodicals and anthologies. Since 1979 he and his wife have owned and operated a fine arts auction business specializing in nineteenth and early twentieth century American and European paintings.
Current research
The place of Russian cosmism in the history of western esotericism.
Selected publications
The Light of the Russian Soul: A Personal Memoir of Early Russian Theosophy,(translation from E. Pisareva), Quest Books, Wheaton, IL, 2008
Force Through Delicacy: The Life and Art of Charles H. Woodbury, Peter E. Randall Publisher, Portsmouth, NH, 1998;
Nikolai Fedorov: An Introduction, Nordland, Belmont, MA, 1979.
Hermotimus’ Voyages (poems), Phineas Press, Hanover NH 1976
“Nikolai Fedorov,” in Edward Craig and others, ed, The Routledge/ Cambridge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Cambridge, England, 1998;
“Fedorov’s Transformations of the Occult,” in Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal, ed., The Occult in Russian and Soviet Culture, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1997; (Hungarian translation of same in, Az okkult az orosz es a szovjet kulturaban Budapest: Europa Konyvkiado, 2004);
“Toward the New Millennium: Ideas of Resurrection in Fedorov and Solov’ev,” James P. Scanlan, ed., Russian Thought after Communism: the Recovery of a Philosophical Heritage, M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, NY, 1994
”Fedorov and Yoga: The Search for a Practical Immortality,” Charles Tandy, ed., Death and Anti-Death, Ria University Press, 2003.
“What will the Immortals Eat?,” Charles Tandy, ed., Death and Anti-Death, II, Ria University Press, 2004.
“Fedorov’s Legacy,” Charles Tandy, ed., Death and Anti-Death, III, Ria University Press, 2006.
“Vladimir Solovyov’s Poems of Wisdom, Mystery, and Love,” in Arthur Versluis, ed, Esotericism, Art, and Imagination, Michigan State University Press, 2008;
“Pro’ektivizm i Pragmatizm: Fedorov I Ouiljam Dzheimz,” (Projectivism and Pragmatism: Fedorov and William James,) Fedorovskie Chteniya X, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2009;
“Mezhdunarodnoe znachenie filosofii Fedorova,” (The International Significance of Fedorov’s Philosophy), Fedorovskie Chteniya XI. Russian Academy of Sciences, 2009.
Other scholarly activity
"Thaumaturgy in Russian Cosmism," American Academy of Religion, annual conference, Montreal, November 2009
"Briusov's 'Orpheus,'" American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, annual conference, Washington D.C., November, 2006
Invited plenary presentation
"Mezhdunarodnoe znachenie filosofii Fedorova" (The International Significance of Fedorov's Philosophy), plenary address in Russian at Fedorovskie chteniia IX,(Lectures on Fedorov, IX) Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, November 2007
Research interests
Russian literature